
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Cobalt 2023-2024

Welcome to Year 4 and Team Cobalt

Your teacher is Mrs Holman & Mrs Bonner

Your teaching assistants are Mrs Pullen & Ms Rogers


In English this week, we have been learning about Greek Gods and Goddesses. We researched our favourites and took part in some roleplay, and then wrote a school report about their behaviours and attitudes! We also listened to the Greek myth, 'Daedalus and Icarus' and thought synonyms, using a thesaurus, to describe the feelings of Daedalus. We used these feelings to create a comics strip to summarise the story. Next week, we will be using this work to write a diary entry. 


This week in Maths, we have been looking at Statistics. We have learnt that there are two types of data called discrete and continuous data and explored a range of different examples of each type, such as bar charts, tally charts and line graphs. We have learnt how to interpret different types of chart and answered comparison questions about them. We have also generated some data of our own all about our classes' eye colours and used a bar chart to display our findings. Next week we will continue to look at line charts and explore some more complex examples. We will also be looking at negative numbers: learning what they are, where they are found and how to count with them.  


In history and geography, we looked at when the ancient Greeks lived and found them on a timeline. We also used atlases to find Greece on a map of the world. We looked at the landscape of Greece and the location of seas and mountains, and thought about how the ancient Greeks would have travelled around the islands. 


In PSHE this week, we have been discussing how special relationships are important to us. We listed important friends and family relationships in our lives and discussed how some relationships maybe more important than others and listed the reasons why. In French, we started our new topic, 'Ordering food and drink in a French cafe.' We did some roleplay to practice this. 


Weekly Home Learning

Times Table Rock Stars and Spellings each day

Reading (5 times per week or 7 times for the challenge)


Please see the attachment below for details of our Optional Summer Home Learning all about the Ancient Greeks! 

Ancient Greek Optional Home Learning, Summer Term 2024

Maths Games Challenge


Izzy and Yusuf


Lavelle and ZoeBella and GeorgiaMarc and Tilly




Read 7 times 


Top Ten Rockers


5 times


7 times

















































































1. Leticia

2. Georgia

3. Lucas

4. Zoe


6. Lily-May

7. Tilly

8. Nancy

9. Skyla

10. Kealan









































































































Friendly Leaf goes to Marc - for always being supportive of others' achievements and cheering them on.

19.4.24 - Role-play in French 'In a French Cafe'

19.4.24 - Looking at Ancient Greece in History

18.3.24 - Science Experiment - 'The Pendulum Swing.'

March 2024 - Computing and Science in Cobalt

PSHE Roleplay - 29.2.24

VR Workshop - 16.2.24

Home Learning Spring Term 1

15.1.24 - Science - looking at circuits

11.1.24 - PSHE Roleplay

8.12.23 - D.T - Finished Christmas boxes and making paper chains!

20.11.23 - DT designing Christmas boxes!

Children In Need - Guess the smarties on the cake winners!

6.11.23 - Measuring in Maths!

19.10.23 - Reading speeches aloud in English.

13.10.23 - Celebration Certificates this week!

5.10.23 - Team building in PSHE

WB: 18.9.23 - Music - First Cornets lesson!

WB - 11.9.23 Science - Sorting Vertebrates

WB: 18.9.23 Geography - Learning about how to name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom using a map.

Sonny made a sock puppet at home and spoke about it in class, he was very proud of his achievement!
