
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Sapphire 2023-24

Welcome to Year 5 and Team Sapphire

Your teacher is Ms Ellis

Your teaching assistants are Ms Routledge and Mrs Green


How lovely to see everyone back, raring and ready to go for lots of learning in the Summer Term!

This week in Maths we have been revising our multiplication and division skills. We then solved some division word problems and thought about whether the answer (with remainders) needed to be rounded up or rounded down according to the context of the question. In English, we read a new class book called Cloud Tea Monkeys. We gathered descriptive language from the text, which might be useful to us later in the Unit, as we prepare our own writing. We also created some sentences to engage the reader by changing the order of the clauses and we used some expanded noun phrases to add detail.


In Geography this week, we started our new topic of Enchanting Earth and learnt all about biomes around the world. We used the keys in maps to identify the biomes and climates in different countries around the world. In PSHE, we thought about our own positive personal qualities and what makes us all so amazing. In French, we used our language detective skills to work out the meaning of some sentences with food, days and numbers. We also looked at how the word ’some’ changes depending on if the noun after it is feminine, masculine or plural. In Computing, we had fun playing and evaluating some computer games as part of our Game Creator Unit and in Music this week, we began our new unit learning the cornets.


Next week in Maths we will be solving lots of word problems. We will identify the calculation needed to solve each problem and the most appropriate method to use. In English, we will continue our work based on the book ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’ and we will be writing some descriptive paragraphs using expanded noun phrases and a range of fronted adverbials.





Weekly Home Learning

Times Table Rock Stars and Spellings each day

Reading (5 times per week or 7 times for the challenge)


Your optional home learning this term is related to our topic about Enchanting Earth.

 In class, we will be learning about rivers, mountains,

earthquakes and volcanoes

You might like to research lots of different rivers around the world or just focus on one river or you might want to research mountains or do a combination of rivers and mountains. You might like to research how earthquakes or volcanoes work or their devastating impact on humans. It is entirely up to you!

Things to think about:

  • Which countries do the rivers flow through? What wildlife can be found in and around the river? How much water flows through the river? Where is the source and mouth of the river? How is the river used by humans or how has it be used in the past? What can you find out about our local rivers or canals?
  • How are mountains formed? How high is your chosen mountain? What plants or wildlife can be found on the mountain? How is the mountain used by humans?

You could create a poster, information booklet, PowerPoint presentation, a model, a video (Newsround style).


Optional Home Learning Summer Term

Poppy & DomAlfred & JazmineJack & BowMia & Antonia

Mason & Kamari



Top Ten RockersRocking 7 times:Rocking 5+ times:

1. Mason

2. Jack

3. Amelia

4. Isla-Mae

5. Grace

6. Chloe

7. Kamari

8. Andre

9. Matus

10. Jessica


























Highlights of the Week (Wb 15.04.24)

Highlights of the Week (Wb 18.03.24)

Highlights of the Week (Wb15.01.24)

Highlights of the Week (Wb 08.01.24)

Highlights of the Week (Wb 11.12.23)

Highlights of the Week (Wb 04.12.23)

Highlights of the Week (Wb27.11.23)

Highlights of the Week (Wb 20.11.23)

Highlight of the Week (Wb 10.10.23)

Highlights of the Week (Wb25.09.23)

Highlights of the Week (Wb 18.09.23)

Highlights of the Week

Highlights of the Week

Key Spelling Lists Yr 3&4 and 5&6
