
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Team Turquoise 2023/24.

 Your class teachers are Mrs Vipond and Mrs Short. 

Your teaching assistants are Mrs Buck and Mrs Botha.


We have had a very busy half term!  In Geography we’ve looked at sustainability and how we can help our world by living as sustainably as possible.  This could include having solar panels on our houses, turning off taps and lights when not using them, and recycling paper, cardboard and plastic. In addition, we had the best time at London Zoo and loved seeing all of the animals but particularly the rainforest ones, including the Aye Aye, Okapi and the sloth!

We have also started to create our own wonderful rainforest inspired cushions in DT!  We’ve created designs and thought about the design specification and who we intend our finished cushions to be used by.  We very much look forward to starting to sew our cushions together!

In computing we have been learning about blogging and have chosen and researched a topic that we wanted to blog about, as well as created a blog about it, and in RE we have found out about who Jesus was and why he is so important for Christians.

We have enjoyed our Science topic of ‘Evolution’ and have looked at how animals have evolved over time to suit their habitat. We also looked at how fossils are formed and had great fun making our own ‘fossils’! During Science week, we looked at how moths have evolved over time and challenged ourselves to decorate a moth that would be successfully camouflaged against different backgrounds.  We have learnt that those moths which predators find are more difficult to spot, will be more successful.

Next term we are looking forward to starting our History topic about the Mayans, looking in detail at who they were, where they lived and how they communicated.  In RE we will be looking at humans’ relationship with the environment and will discuss individual ideas about God, and of course, we can’t wait to get started on sewing our cushions for DT!


Have a wonderful Easter break and we’ll see you next term!


****Congratulations to our weekly stars****   

Everyone in Team Turquoise is a star this week for their continued hard work and effort in lessons!



Investigating human variation - we looked at how different we are from each other! Some of us can roll our tongues, we all have different sized feet and hands and some of us have bigger ear lobes than others - interesting!

Fossil creating!

Our first attempts at blogging!

wc 18th March- cricket superstars in the making!

wc 18th March - Analysing key statements that Jesus made about himself over the course of his life time before writing our own

wc 18th March - Understanding the importance of rainforests in the water cycle and how the process is affected by deforestation

wc 18th March - Learning how fossils are made and about the impact of the work of Mary Anning

wc 11th March - Camouflaging the white moth to aid its survival. How successful were we?

wc 11th March - Following the journey of food.

wc 11th March - Learning a little more about the Easter story.

wc 4th March- Kicking off Science Week with the Create a Tree Challenge. Could you design and make a tree using only 4 sheets of A4 paper?

wc 4th March - thank you for joining us as we celebrated World Book Day

wc 4th March - London Zoo

wc 26th February - Learning about evolution

wc 26th February - Rainforest cushion designs

wc 26th February - Rainforest Creatures just discovered!

Science - Finding and Identifying Plants

Art - more modroccing and painting!

English and Geography - Our Deforestation News Reports

English and Geography - Our Deforestation 'Live' News Reports

Still image for this video

wc 9th February - Safer Internet day. Participating in a workshop delivering key messages to support our wellbeing in the virtual world.

wc 9th February - creating wire chameleons

Congratulations to this week’s certificate winners

Geography - Biomes

RE - Prayer Flags

Science - Branching Diagrams

Music - playing the glockenspiels

Mouldy Bread Experiment

Amazing Rainforest Animal Adaptations!

Maths Game Afternoon

Art Wire Workshop 15.1.24

Maths - calculating volume!

Computing - using spreadsheets to workout probability

Spring Term Optional Home Learning Task

wc 8th January 2024 - Temperate and Tropical Rainforests

wc 8th January 2024 - fine tuning our balance

wc 8th January 2024 - understanding the relationship between desire and suffering and what the Four Noble Truths teach

wc 12th December - impressive Home Learning from Zac.

wc 12th December - developing our map skills.

wc 12th December - getting confident with co-ordinates.

wc 12th December - character descriptions to be proud of.

wc 5th December - PSHE How differences might cause conflict

wc 5th December - Investigating adding a switch to a circuit

wc 5th December - Investigating 3D shapes

wc 5th December - Investigating nets of 3D shapes

wc 5th December Investigating the properties of shapes

wc 26th November - designing and making secular and sacred Christmas cards.

wc 20th November - circuit makers!

wc 20th November - we are very proud of our reports

wc 13th November - supporting Children in Need

wc 13th November - Planet Earth fact files

wc 13th November - designing and programming cars during our Coding workshop.

wc 6th November - Researching Buddhist artefacts.

wc 6th November - Our completed landscapes.

wc 6th November - What are settlements?

wc 30th October - Text-based adventure games.

wc 30th October - Cinquain poetry.

Friday 20th October - Wear Red Day

wc 16th October - Interrogating an alien database to add to an alien identification program.

wc 16th October - Putting our finishing touches to our London landscapes.

Fabulous Home Learning inspired by our learning in history and our recent school trip, well done Evelynn!

wc 9th October- continuing to refine our skills as artists

wc 9th October- refining our shooting skills

wc 25.9.23: 3D Graffiti Art!

wc 25.9.23: Van Gogh Art Puzzle!

wc 25.9.23: Paper Sculpture!

wc 25.9.23: Making board games!

wc 18th September-honing our skills as Artists

wc 18th September- Monster Mash Up in French- creating our own creatures, naming and labelling them!

wc 18th September- investigating light and creating shadows

Learning a little more about London's iconic Landmarks.

Are you listening carefully? Performing 'White Noise.'

Final rehearsals of our rendition of 'Do What You Want To Do?'

Well done to Evie-May for successfully completing the Summer Reading Challenge over the holidays.

Up periscope!

Exploring the work of Andre Derain
