Learning and Achieving Together
As a community school we follow Hertfordshire County Council arrangements for admissions. Our published admission number is sixty and we can therefore accommodate sixty children in each of our year groups. All of our teams (classes) have a maximum of thirty children and we have two teams in each year group.
Parents/Carers of children in Year 2 will receive information from Hertfordshire County Council on how to apply for a place in Year 3 during the Autumn Term. It is important to ensure applications are made before the published deadline, as late applications are considered after all of the other applications.
For admissions to the school at any other time of the year, an In Year Application should be completed.
For further information and to apply for a school place please visit www.hertsdirect.org or ring the school for more information.
Link to Admissions website Admissions for Junior School Places can be completed via this link.