
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together

Leaders of Learning


Leaders of Learning.


Each Team across the school has four representatives, who meet  to discuss the impact of what we are doing. Meetings are planned half termly and provide an opportunity for the Leaders to share their thoughts on key aspects of our School Development Plan. This initiative has been impacted significantly over the last two years by COVID, however below please find information from meetings previously held which will give you an insight into the range of activities undertaken previously. We are very much looking forward to a re launch in September!


Evaluating the impact of actions related to our two priority targets, Personal Development, Behaviour & Attitudes to Learning and Quality of Education.


Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes to Learning

Our discussions surrounded the introduction of two initiatives notably the launch of individual stretch targets and our team ‘What Went Well’ displays and Achievement Books.


Stretch Targets

At the start of the term, we talked about our comfort zone, stretch zone and panic zone, and how to learn most effectively we need to be in our stretch zone. We set ourselves stretch targets and these are displayed in classrooms.

‘We use them as our goals.’

‘They show that not everyone is perfect.’

‘They show everyone what you would like to do as an individual, who you are.’

‘They reminds us we need to be in our stretch zone to work things out.’

‘Reminds us that when we are in our stretch zone we will learn something new.’


Achievement Books

Each week, children have the opportunity to reflect and record what they have been proud of, these are then kept in class within an achievement book for the children to look back on

‘It makes you proud of what you have achieved.’

‘A reminder that you should be proud of what you have done.’

‘You know that you have done well and it makes you feel really good.’

‘Let’s you think back and remember your achievements.’

‘Shows how successful you can be.’


Quality of Education - Curriculum Books

Our Class Curriculum Books continue and we enjoyed sharing these during Family Consultations this week. These books illustrate the learning journey across the curriculum and are displayed within the classroom book areas for children to continue to enjoy.

‘It is everyone’s book. A place to share ideas, knowledge and creativity.’

‘It makes me think, if they can do it I can.’

‘It reminds you what you have learnt a long time ago.’

‘If you have been away, it shows what you missed out.’ ‘You can look through them and it helps you learn lots of things and go back and refresh your memory.’


Meeting with a consultant from Hertfordshire for Learning (HfL) as part of a brokerage visit to the school.

The subsequent report noted our Leaders were:

'highly engaged and full of praise for their school which they consider to be “fun,” “safe” and a “happy place to be”. They said that everyone in the school was nice and they felt that they could go to anyone with their problems. They enjoyed the range of activities on offer including the sunshine club, golden mark, the daily mile and mindfulness. Pupils were proud of their achievement books and liked looking back at them to remember what they had accomplished. They reported that the school’s staged approach to behaviour was fair and that bullying never happened at school, although they were aware that it sometimes happened online when they were at home. They said that they knew how to keep safe online as the school had taught them how to deal with this through its SMART approach. All pupils said that they enjoyed learning; maths was often cited as their favourite subject because it was hard work and challenging which they liked. They could describe how they learned best including pre teaching sessions, learning partners, golden mark and revisiting work that they were not sure about. Pupils were very keen to share the learning included in their class curriculum books which record curriculum coverage other than in English and Maths. These showed wide coverage and a high level of pupil engagement. t. Pupils were very keen to share the learning included in their class curriculum books which record curriculum coverage other than in English and Maths. These showed wide coverage and a high level of pupil engagement.'



Our Leaders of Learning also met to formalise the design for our mini bus. They were set the challenge of providing three quotes that best described our school and below is the outcome of their discussions

At Hobletts Manor Junior School:

  • we achieve great things together as a team
  • our learning has no limits and inspires us to be the best we can
  • we are proud of ourselves and our school












