
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together

Key Information and Forms

Key Information for our Families


What are our school times?

Our school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15 (32.5 hours per week)

Daily times that you may also find helpful to know are:

• 8.40 – class teachers will be available on the school playground to answer any questions parent/carers may have, receive information and greet the children

• 8.45am. A bell will ring for the start of the day and children will be taken into the school by their teachers. Parent Partners will remain available for families until 8.55 if you need them.

• 10.45am- 11.00am. – morning break

• 12.15pm-1.10pm. - lunchtime

• 3.15pm – end of the day. Teachers will bring your children out onto the playground to meet you. Parent Partners are again also available


Access to our Site

For the health and safety of all members of the school community we ask that parents/carers do not use the driveway between 7.45am and 4.30pm to drop off or collect their children, this includes for school clubs or sports matches. We appreciate that there may be times when driveway access is needed in exceptional circumstances, please do let us know and we will arrange a pass for you. Please note, the back entrance to the school (Hobletts Road) is locked during the school day opening only for drop off/pick up times or both Hobletts schools

For the safety of all members of our school community, we ask that all visitors come to the front entrance of the school before signing in. A visitor’s badge will be given to you which we ask be visible at all times. We also ask that parent/carers provide us with details of who will be collecting their child/children at the end of the school day. Please do ensure that you notify us of any changes.


School Apps


We use the Arbor App for booking and paying for Clubs and Trips and for communicating with parents so please make sure you have this App downloaded. Please contact the office if you have any problems with this.



At Hobletts Manor Junior School we believe that every school day counts! Regular school attendance and punctuality is vital in ensuring our child/children is able to take advantage of all the educational opportunities and experiences on offer.


If your child is poorly please phone the Office before 9.15am to let us know that they will not be attending school. Any child who has had an illness that includes sickness or diarrhoea must always remain absent from school for a full 24 hours afterwards.


Headteachers are unable to authorise absence for holidays in term time. The Headteacher will only grant leave of absence on compassionate or other exceptional circumstances. To help parents/carers plan ahead a list of term and holiday dates are included in this booklet, available on our website and attached to our weekly newsletters.

The school will not authorise any term time holidays.

Request for absence

Requests for leave of absence during term time should be made on the form available from outside the Office or from the website (see below). We ask that full details of the compassionate or other exceptional circumstances be given.

Medical appointments

If a child’s absence relates to a medical appointment, we do ask that we see confirmation of the appointment card or letter in order that we may accurately code any absence. We thank parent/carers in advance for arranging these appointments outside school time where possible


School Uniform

As a school we are committed to the principle of smart uniform which we believe reflects a positive attitude to learning and acts to support our high expectations. We ask that all families ensure all items are clearly named. Items required are (non required items and marked optional): 


• Hobletts Manor School royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with logo.

• Black/grey tailored trousers/skirt/pinafore.

• In warmer weather blue school summer dress, black/grey school (tailored school shorts).

• Hobletts Manor School white polo shirt or plain white polo shirt/ cotton tailored shirt/blouse.

• Plain black/grey or white socks/tights.

• Black school shoes – no trainers, boots or heels please

• Non decorative slides, Alice bands or hair ties - blue, yellow. Small stud earrings only (for safety reasons these will be need to be removed or taped up for PE).


PE Uniform

At Hobletts we ask all our children to wear PE Uniform to school on their PE days. We therefore follow a strict policy on the sportswear permitted and we follow the same smart principles as the School Uniform days.


Indoor and Summer Uniform

  • Plain blue or black shorts or black leggings.
  • School PE Top with school logo. 
  • (Optional) Round neck plain t shirt in your child’s house colour (for competitions and sports days).


Outdoor and Winter Uniform

  • Sweatshirt - Navy or Black plain crew neck sweatshirt or School Jumper (Plain no brands)
  • Jogging Bottoms - Navy or Black (plain no brands please)
  • Makeup and nail varnish are not part of our school uniform.


Where can I buy uniform?

On Line Purchasing – Beat School Uniform Please visit

Orders can be placed online or in store. We do not stock any items of new uniform at school.


Pre-loved Uniform 

We do hold a stock of good quality pre-loved uniform. Any enquiries can be made to the School Office who will be able to assist you.



We believe that everyone at Hobletts Manor Junior School has a part to play in the preparation of our children for life beyond school by providing them with a good model of positive citizenship. Our behaviour strategy is aimed at improving educational outcomes for all children by promoting and supporting their engagement with learning and in developing a positive focus on motivation and wellbeing. All aspects of our behaviour management are built on the foundations of the shared values of our school, which include British Values.

Our School Code

We have an agreed Code (RFR), agreed by the children, which helps us to work together for excellence and meet the aims of our policy. It is based on three key values and behaviours. We expect everyone to be Respectful, Friendly and Responsible. Regular opportunities are provided for children to explore the above to ensure understanding and awareness.

Celebration and rewards

We look to recognise and celebrate our children’s achievements on a regular basis We have whole school systems in place to reward children which include:

• Team Time.

• House points.

• Weekly Celebration Assembly – including the presentation of certificates for Values, Homelearning, Handwriting, Lunchtime, Mathematics and Writing.

• Daily English, Mathematics and Curriculum Stars.

• Class Star of the Day.

• Attendance Certificates.

• Friendly Leaves

• Weekly texts for exemplary behaviour.

• Ask Me Why stickers and wristbands

Consequences in our school

Whilst focusing on rewarding positive behaviour, we recognise that at times, children will not follow our Code and consequences will follow. Consequences are outlined in the school behaviour policy. Children will be supported to reflect upon the reasons for their actions as well as the impact that they have had upon themselves and others. Opportunities to discuss what they have learnt will focus on risk reduction, and identify a different choice moving forward.



We will always endeavour to open the school, but in certain cases for example severe bad weather that may affect access to our essential services, closure may be unavoidable. During severe weather please listen to the local radio station, and their information bulletin. If the school will remain closed then these details will be broadcast from approximately 7.00am onwards. We will also send you a text message and post details on the school website.

If a school closure is announced during the day, we know that all our parent/carers will make every effort to collect their child as soon as possible. If you personally cannot get to school, or you work out of the local area, please do ensure you let us know who will collect your child on your behalf.


Getting involved at Hobletts

Parent/Carer Volunteers

There are many ways that parents/carers can provide help in the classroom, e.g.hearing children read, supporting a small number of children with their work, helping on school trips, etc. Help can be within your child’s class or with another age group. As well as supporting us, arents/carers find that helping in class also helps them to learn more about what goes on in school and the learning process. If you have some time available and are willing to help, please contact the School Office. You will be required to obtain a DBS certificate which

we can do on your behalf.


Friends of Hobletts Manor School (FoHMS)

FoHMS is the parent/carer/teacher association for both Hobletts Manor Junior School and Hobletts Manor Infant and Nursery School. As a parent/carer of a child attending a Hobletts School you are automatically a member of FoHMS and we warmly welcome you to join us at meetings and events. Regular activities are organised by Friends of Hobletts Manor School (FOHMS) to raise funds for school and support curriculum initiatives. Your help and support of these events is greatly appreciated. If you are interested in joining FOHMS, please contact the school office.


Governing Board

We have a full and active Governing Board, which includes Parent Governors as well as representatives from staff, the local authority and the local community. The Governing Body has a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school. Vacancies for Parent Governors are advertised as they arise. If you would be interested in joining us please contact Rajinder Rall or Daniel Taylor via our admin email


Family Consultation Evenings

Family Consultation Evenings are held twice a year, usually in October and March. As a Parent/Carer, information on your child’s achievements is discussed with you at consultations and shared in your child’s annual report. We are more than happy to meet and share this information at other times if you would find this helpful.


Health and Welfare


The School Office can give prescribed medicines, such as antibiotics, to your child as long as the school has a signed permission form from yourselves as parents/carers confirming the name of the medicine, current dosage, etc. A permission form should also be signed for inhalers to be used in school. If your child requires the use of an inhaler in school, please ensure that one is kept in school at all times. If your child carries an Auto-injector, we ask that parents/carers provide two to keep in school; one with them and one to be kept in the School Office as a spare. With any major medical issues you will be required to asked to fill out a Protocol Form, outlining symptoms, signs and treatments. Due to the level of responsibility with administering medicines HMJ has taken the decision to ONLY accept the following over the counter medication for administration by school staff which can easily be identified as age appropriate-

- Calpol (or other age appropriate paracetamol)

- Neurofen

- Antihistamine for Allergy Relief

More detailed information see our School Medication Policy (in our Policies heading under the 'About Us' section.

Thank you for supporting our children in helping us remain a nut free school.


Home Learning

Reading and home learning activities are an important part of our partnership. Such activities provide additional opportunities for children to consolidate what they have learnt beyond the classroom environment. In addition, to daily reading, spelling and times tables practice our children in Years 5 and 6 will receive a set activity/activities to complete. These will come home on a Friday and we ask that they be returned the following Wednesday. Details of optional home learning tasks can be found on class pages on our website. 



We have a house system that operates across all year groups. Over the course of the year, children have the opportunity to enjoy activities, competitions and allegiance to their house. 


As a school we aim to encourage our children’s interest and love of music by giving opportunities to listen to a broad range of musical genres branching across the globe and from varying time periods. Participation in the Young Voices Concert at the O2 Arena provide once in a life time experiences to sing as part of a large choir. Our links with the Hertfordshire Music Service create further musical opportunities, including learning to play a musical instrument and perform within the local community.



Keeping In Touch

At Hobletts Manor Junior School we strive to ensure our parents/carers are well informed about their child’s learning and about what is going on in school. Our website ( contains lots of useful information including news, term dates and copies of any letters that are sent out. Please see the ‘News and Dates’ section.


                                                          Newsletters and letters home

The weekly newsletter is usually sent home on Fridays, paper copies are available from outside the school office and it also be found on our website.                                                            

Letters are sent home on a regular basis, usually via email and sometimes paper copies. Please check the school website and your child’s bag(if receiving paper copies) to make sure you haven’t missed anything. We also send out text and APP messages.



Children have the opportunity to bring in a healthy snack to eat at playtime or buy something from our ‘healthy’ Tuck Shop. We thank our parent/carers for supporting us by ensuring that playtime snacks are limited to fruit (fresh or dried) or raw vegetables, i.e. carrot or cucumber sticks. Please do remember we are a nut free school.



We aim to provide a wide range of experiences and opportunities for our children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and wellbeing. All children have access to two hours of curriculum PE each week, enriched with opportunities to attend a variety of before and after school clubs. We promote competition in sport and other activities so as to build character and help to embed key values such as fairness and respect. As a school we teach our children skills which they can continue to apply, broaden and develop through participation in a variety of inter and intra school activities and competitions. Children in Year 5 also have the opportunity to attend swimming lessons as part of the National Curriculum. We also have a very smart PE Uniform.


Who do I speak to if I have a question or query?

Communication between home and school is key. Do please come and speak to us if you have a question or a query.

The Office Team can help with any

questions related to:

• Dinners and Dinner Money Payments

• Swimming permission and Payments

• Uniform

• Administering Medicines

• Contact Details

• End of Day Arrangements

• Arbor (on line payments)

Please pop into the office between 8.30 and 4pm daily and see a member of the team. Alternatively you can email or call (01442)251805 and choose option 5


Our Sports Team - Mr Wallis can help you with any questions related to:

• Swimming lessons

• Sporting Fixtures

• PE

• Sports Clubs

Please pop in and see a member of the team or call (01442) 251805 before choosing option 5


Our Safeguarding Team, Mrs S Short, Mrs Boulder, Mrs C Short, Miss Palmer and Mrs Helena Marks Dwyer (Safeguarding Governor) can help

if you have any questions relating to any aspect regarding children’s safety and well being, including e safety. Please pop in and see a member of the team or call (01442) 251805 before choosing option 2.


Mrs Buck, our Off Sites Visits Co-Coordinator, can answer any questions you may have in relation to a trip, including PGL. Please pop in and see her or call (01442)251805 and leave a message with the Office Team.


Our Teaching Team can help with any questions related to your child’s learning or behaviour. All teachers are on the playground at the start and end of the day. Alternatively you can call (01442) 251805 and a member of the Office Team will then be able to help you by contacting the teacher, taking a message or making an appointment.


Mrs C Short, our Inclusion Co-ordinator, can answer any questions related to additional support for your child.

Please pop in and see her or call (01442)251805


Our Parent Partners, Mrs Archer and Mrs Sides, are available to support families with any aspect of school life or , pass on messages or .Parent Partners are available at the start and end of the day. Alternatively call (01442)251805 


What to do if you have a concern/complaint

If ever as a parent/carer, you have a concern about any aspect or school life please do come and talk to us. Most concerns can be resolved informally. However, in the event that a parent/carer remains dissatisfied having spoken to the school, the complaints procedure should be followed. This is available on the school’s website or a paper copy can be requested from the school office.

Leave of absence request form
