Learning and Achieving Together
We are currently looking for governors to join our Board. Please do get in touch if you are a parent/carer of a child at our school or a member of the wider community who would like to get involved a little more in the life of our school. Call (01442) 251805 or email admin@hoblettsjm.herts.sch.uk
We look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to the Governors' section of our Website.
Please find detailed below a little about the work of our Governors:-
The Governors at Hobletts Manor Junior School have been elected or appointed to represent Parent/Carers, Staff and various groups within the community.
The Governors work closely with the school staff to support the school and to help it to meet its statutory obligations. This covers three main areas:
· Strategic: involving setting policies, planning for the future and managing change.
· Monitoring and accountability: ensuring the school meets educational and financial targets and has plans in place to meet performance objectives.
· Supporting: supporting the school by celebrating and praising achievement, but also act as a critical friend, seeking improvement and asking questions where appropriate.
The full Governing Board meet on a regular basis, usually a minimum of once a term. In between these meetings, governors also meet together to undertake a closer look at a particular aspect of the school's work, linked to their Strategic Role. Governors also try to visit the school during the day, linked to their area of responsibility and at events such as Family Consultation Evenings. They also represent the school at a variety of functions and meetings.
Once a year Governors hold a 'Strategy Day' with all governors spending a whole day in school focusing on various aspects of the school. Along with this Governors regularly attend formal training organised by Herts. Governance.
As a Governing Board we encourage (and need) feedback from our parents/carers and we are always happy to meet with you. Contact can be made via the school office.
Governing Board (September 2024):
Daniel Taylor
Chair of Governors
Parent Governor Curriculum, including Sports Premium and GDPR
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 22/11/21 Term Ends 22/11/25
Lee Allwork
Staff Governor (no registered interests)
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 19/12/2022 Term Ends 18/12/2025
Helena Marks Dwyer
Co-opted Governor, SEND, Wellbeing
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Elizabeth Polson
Co-opted Governor, Pupil Premium, including CLA, and Curriculum
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Alex Bwomono
Vice Chair
Co-opted Governor, Health and Safety and Safeguarding
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 23/05/2023 Term Ends 23/05/2027
Michael Downes
Co-opted Governor: Website (shadowing GDPR and Sports Premium)
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 12/04/2024 Term Ends 11/04/2028
Sally Short
Headteacher (registered interest : spouse is partner of Consultant Engineering)
Term Ends (for duration of post as headteacher)
Kelly Smith (other)
Attends meetings in advisory capacity only
During post as School Business Manager
Governing Board Meetings 2024/25
Full Governing Board - 21st October 2024
Attendees: Sally Short, Daniel Taylor, Helena Marks-Dwyer, Alex Bwomono, Lee Allwork, Liz Polson and Kelly Smith
Apologies: Michael Downes
Clerk: Emma Lad (HfL)
Previous Governing Board (April 2024):
Daniel Taylor
Chair of Governors
Parent Governor Curriculum, including Sports Premium and GDPR
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 22/11/21 Term Ends 22/11/25
Lee Allwork
Staff Governor (no registered interests)
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 19/12/2022 Term Ends 18/12/2025
Helena Marks Dwyer
Co-opted Governor, Wellbeing
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Elizabeth Polson
Co-opted Governor, Pupil Premium, including CLA, and Curriculum
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Alex Bwomono
Vice Chair
Co-opted Governor, Health and Safety
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 23/05/2023 Term Ends 23/05/2027
Frankie Fernandes-Lawrence
Parent Governor, SEN and Safeguarding
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 23/05/2023 Term Ends 23/05/2027
Michael Downes
Co-opted Governor
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 12/04/2024 Term Ends 11/04/2028
Sally Short
Headteacher (registered interest : spouse is partner of Consultant Engineering)
Term Ends (for duration of post as headteacher)
Kelly Smith (other)
Attends meetings in advisory capacity only
During post as School Business Manager
Governing Board Meetings 2023/24
Full Governing Board - 14th March 2024
Attendees: Sally Short, Lee Allwork, Daniel Taylor, Helena Marks-Dwyer, Alex Bwomono, Frankie Fernandes-Lawrence, Liz Polson and Kelly Smith
Apologies: None
Clerk: Kelly Smith
Full Governing Board - 11th January 2024
Attendees: Sally Short, Daniel Taylor, Helena Marks-Dwyer, Alex Bwomono, and Kelly Smith
Apologies: Frankie Fernandes-Lawrence, Liz Polson,
Clerk: Emma Lad - HfL Clerk
Full Governing Board - 10th October 2023
Attendees: Sally Short, Daniel Taylor, Helena Marks-Dwyer, Alex Bwomono, Liz Polson, and Kelly Smith
Apologies: Frankie Fernandes-Lawrence, Lee Allwork,
Clerk: Emma Lad - HfL Clerk
Governing Board (July 2023):
Daniel Taylor
Chair of Governors
Parent Governor Curriculum, including Sports Premium
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 22/11/21 Term Ends 22/11/25
Lee Allwork
Staff Governor (no registered interests)
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 19/12/2022 Term Ends 18/12/2025
Helena Marks Dwyer
Co-opted Governor safeguarding and GDPR
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Elizabeth Polson
Co-opted Governor
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Alex Bwomono
Co-opted Governor
tbc at Strategy Day June 2023
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 23/05/2023 Term Ends 23/05/2027
Frankie Fernandes-Lawrence
Parent Governor (no registered interests)tbc at Strategy Day June 2023
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 23/05/2023 Term Ends 23/05/2027
Sally Short
Headteacher (registered interest : spouse is partner of Consultant Engineering)
Term Ends (for duration of post as headteacher)
Kelly Smith (other)
Attends meetings in advisory capacity only
During the post as School Business Manager
Governing Board Meetings 2022/23
Full Governing Board - 19th June 2023
Attendees: Sally Short, Daniel Taylor Rajinder Rall, Helena Marks-Dwyer, Lee Allwork, Liz Polson, Frankie Fernandes-Lawrence and Kelly Smith
Apologies: Alex Bwomono and Alison Rapson (Mat Leave)
Clerk: Kelly Smith (School Business Manager)
Full Governing Board - 23/05/2023
Attendees: Sally Short, Daniel Taylor Helena Marks-Dwyer, Lee Allwork, Liz Polson, Frankie Fernandes-Lawrence, Alex Ojera and Kelly Smith
Apologies: Rajinder Rall and Alison Rapson (Mat Leave)
Clerk: Kelly Smith (School Business Manager)
Full Governing Board - 06/02/2023
Attendees: Sally Short, Daniel Taylor Helena Marks-Dwyer, Lee Allwork, and Kelly Smith
Apologies: Rajinder Rall Kelly Curtis, Liz Polsen and Alison Rapson (Mat Leave)
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 20/12/22
Attendees: Sally Short, Daniel Taylor Helena Marks-Dwyer, Lee Allwork, Kelly Curtis and Kelly Smith
Apologies: Rajinder Rall Liz Polson and Alison Rapson (Mat Leave)
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 07/11/22
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Daniel Taylor Helena Marks-Dwyer Liz Polson , Helen Pullen and Kelly Smith.
Apologies: Kelly Curtis Alison Rapson
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 26/09/22
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Alison Rapson and Daniel Taylor Kelly Curtis, Helen Pullen and Kelly Smith.
Apologies: NONE
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Previous Governing Boards
Governing Board (October 2022 - May 2023):
Rajinder Rall
Co Chair of Governors
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/10/2020 Term Ends 11/07/2024
Daniel Taylor
Co Chair of Governors
Parent Governor Curriculum, including Sports Premium
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 22/11/21 Term Ends 22/11/25
Kelly Curtis
Vice Chair of Governors
Safeguarding, including Health and Safety and GDPR
Parent Governor (no registered interests)
Term Ends 02/02/2024
Alison Rapson
Co-opted Governor Inclusion, including SEND, Pupil Premium and Children Looked After (CLA)
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 30/06/21 Term Ends 30/06/25
Lee Allwork
Staff Governor (no registered interests)
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 19/12/2022 Term Ends 18/12/2025
Helena Marks Dwyer
Co-opted Governor
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Elizabeth Polson
Co-opted Governor
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/11/2022 Term Ends 07/11/2026
Sally Short
Headteacher (registered interest : spouse is partner of Consultant Engineering)
Term Ends (for duration of post as headteacher)
Kelly Smith (other)
Attends meetings in advisory capacity only
During the post as School Business Manager
Governing Board (June 2022 to September 2022):
Rajinder Rall
Chair of Governors, Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Sports Premium
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/10/2020 Term Ends 11/07/2024
Sally Short
Headteacher (registered interest : spouse is partner of Consultant Engineering)
Term Ends (for duration of post as headteacher)
Kelly Curtis
Finance and Pupil Premium and Children Looked After
Parent Governor (no registered interests)
Term Ends 02/02/2024
Helen Pullen
Staff Governor (no registered interests)
Term from 22/10/2019 Term Ends 19/12/2022
Kelly Smith (other)
During the post as School Business Manager
Alison Rapson
Co-opted Governor SEND
Term from 30/06/21 Term Ends 30/06/25
Daniel Taylor
Parent Governor Curriculum
Term from 22/11/21 Term Ends 22/11/25
Governing Board (September 2021 - June 2022):
Rajinder Rall
Chair of Governors, Health & Safety, Sports Premium
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/10/2020 Term Ends 11/07/2024
Sally Short
Headteacher (registered interest : spouse is partner of Consultant Engineering)
Term Ends (for duration of post as headteacher)
Kelly Curtis
Finance and Pupil Premium and Children Looked After
Parent Governor (no registered interests)
Term Ends 02/02/2024
Sarah Murray
Vice Chair of Governors, Safeguarding, GDPR and Wellbeing
Co Opted Governor elected by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/10/2020 Term Ends 06/10/2024
Helen Pullen
Staff Governor (no registered interests)
Term from 22/10/2019 Term Ends 21/10/2023
Kelly Smith (other)
During the post as School Business Manager
Daisy Linden
Co-opted Governor, Pupil Premium, CLA (sabbatical)
Term from 28/01/2021 Term Ends 27/01/2025
Alison Rapson
Co-opted Governor SEND
Term from 30/06/21 Term Ends 30/06/25
Daniel Taylor
Parent Governor Curriculum
Term from 22/11/21 Term Ends 22/11/25
Governing Board 2020:
Rajinder Rall
Chair of Governors, Health & Safety, Sports Premium
Appointed by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/10/2020 Term Ends 11/07/2024
Sally Short
Headteacher (registered interest : spouse is partner of Consultant Engineering)
Term Ends (for duration of post as headteacher)
Kelly Curtis
GDPR, Finance
Parent Governor (no registered interests)
Term Ends 02/02/2024
Sarah Murray
Safeguarding, Wellbeing
Co Opted Governor elected by GB / Board (no registered interests)
Term from 07/10/2020 Term Ends 06/10/2024
Helen Pullen
Staff Governor (no registered interests)
Term from 22/10/2019 Term Ends 21/10/2023
Kelly Smith (other)
During the post as School Business Manager
Daisy Linden
Co-opted Governor, Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND)
Term from 28/01/2021 Term Ends 27/01/2025
Previous Governing Board Meetings
Full Governing Board - 09/07/22
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Alison Rapson and Daniel Taylor.
Apologies: Kelly Curtis, Helen Pullen and Kelly Smith
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 09/02/22
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Alison Rapson, Daniel Taylor, Kelly Curtis, Sarah Murray and joined by Kelly Smith.
Apologies Helen Pullen, Daisy Linden
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 20/10/21
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Helen Pullen, Sarah Murray and joined by Kelly Smith.
Apologies Kelly Curtis, Alison Ra[son, Daisy Linden
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
In addition, over the course of the year, the governors also held a Strategy Day and received two training sessions as a Board delivered by the Governance Team at Hertfordshire County Council. This in addition to individual training related to their strategic and link roles.
Governing Board Meetings 2020/21
Full Governing Board - 30/06/21
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen, Sarah Murray, Alison Rapson, Daisy Linden and joined by Kelly Smith. Apologies Kelly Curtis,
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 17/05/21
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen, Sarah Murray, Daisy Linden and joined by Kelly Smith. Apologies Kelly Curtis
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance) NOT REQUIRED
Full Governing Board - 10/02/21
Attendees: Rajinder Rall, Sally Short, Kelly Curtis, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen, Sarah Murray, Daisy Linden and joined by Kelly Smith.
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 25/11/20
Attendees: Sally Short, Kelly Curtis, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen, Sarah Murray and joined by Kelly Smith
Apologies : Rajinder Rall
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance) NOT REQUIRED
Full Governing Board - 07/10/20
Attendees: Sally Short, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen, Sarah Murray, Rajinder Rall and joined by Kelly Smith
Apologies : Kelly Curtis
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Governing Board Meetings 2019/20
Full Governing Board - 23/06/20
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Tanya Weeks, Sally Short, Kelly Curtis, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen and joined by Kelly Smith
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Full Governing Board - 18/05/20
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Tanya Weeks, Sally Short, Kelly Curtis, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen and joined by Kelly Smith
Clerk for the meeting: Zoe Douthwaite
Full Governing Board - 03/02/20
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Tanya Weeks, Sally Short, Kelly Curtis, Zoe Douthwaite, Helen Pullen and joined by Kelly Smith
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Governing Board Committee - 20/01/20
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Tanya Weeks, , Sally Short, Zoe Douthwaite, Raj Rall
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble
Governing Board Committee - 18/11/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Tanya Weeks, Raj Rall, Sally Short, Helen Pullen, Zoe Douthwaite, Kelly Curtis, Trevor Wood
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble
Full Governing Board - 09/10/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Tanya Weeks, Sally Short, Zoe Douthwaite
Clerk: Emma Lad (School Governance)
Resources Committee - 25/09/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Carolyn Leach, Tanya Weeks, Sally Short
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble
Governing Board Meetings 2018/19
Governor Strategy Day - 17/07/19
Attendees: Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Raj Rall, Sally Short, Tanya Weeks, Trevor Wood, Carolyn Leech
Governing Body Meeting - 25/06/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Tanya Weeks, Raj Raul, Trevor Wood, Carolyn Leech, Sally Short
Apologies: Rob Fitton (Apologies received, absence approved).
Clerk to the Governors: Emma Lad
Standards Committee - 10/06/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Sally Short, Gemma Flynn, Tanya Weeks
Apologies: Raj Rall, Rob Fitton (Apologies received, absence approved)
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble
Resources Committee - 20/05/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Sally Short, Carrolyn Leech, Trevor Wood, Tanya Weeks, Gemma Flynn
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble
Standards Committee - 04/03/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Raj Rall, Sally Short, Gemma Flynn, Tanya Weeks
Apologies: Rob Fitton (Apologies received, absence approved)
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble
Full Governing Body Meeting - 04/02/19
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Shirley Deudon, Tanya Weeks, Raj Raul, Gemma Flynn, Trevor Wood, Carolyn Leech, Rob Fitton, Sally Short
Apologies: Andrew Martin (Sabbatical). Absence approved.
Clerk to the Governors: Emma Lad
Resources Committee - 12/11/18
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Shirley Deudon, Tanya Weeks, Raj Rall, Rob Fitton, Sally Short
Apologies: Andrew Martin (Sabbatical). Absence approved.
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble
Full Governing Body Meeting - 10/10/18
Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Shirley Deudon, Tanya Weeks, Raj Rall, Rob Fitton, Sally Short
Apologies: Andrew Martin (Sabbatical). Absence approved.
Clerk to the Governors: Emma Lad
Standards Committee - 24/09/18
Attendees: Attendees: Deborah Fogden, Rob Fitton, Raj Rall, Sally Short
Apologies: Tanya Weeks (Apologies received, absence Approved)
Committee Clerk: Deborah Noble