Learning and Achieving Together
'Learning and Achieving Together'
As a school we are committed to the principle of smart uniform which we believe reflects a positive attitude to learning and acts to support our high expectations.
We have a really smart uniform, we can choose from:-
• Hobletts Manor School royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with logo.
• Black/grey tailored trousers/skirt/pinafore.
• In warmer weather blue school summer dress, black/grey school (tailored school shorts).
• Plain white polo shirt (with or without a logo). From September 2022 we are phasing out coloured polo shirts.
• Plain black/grey or white socks/tights.
• Black school shoes – no trainers, boots or heels please
• Non decorative slides, Alice bands or hair ties– blue, yellow, white, black or grey.Small stud earrings only( for safety reasons these will be need to be removed or taped up for PE)
PE: indoor and ‘summer’ outdoor
• Plain blue or black shorts.
• Our round neck blue t shirt with school logo on is being worn for PE lessons. House colour polo necks are optional and only used for House events such as Sports Day.
In winter outdoor PE kit can also consist of a sweatshirt/jogging bottoms (Black or Navy). Hoodies, sweatshirts with zips, makeup and nail varnish are not part of our school uniform.
Where can I buy uniform?
Orders for all items that contain the school logo and the school PE top can be made online at www.beatschooluniforms.co.uk, by phone on 020 3362 2930 or by visiting their shop at 116 The Parade, High Street, Watford. WD17 IBD. Next day delivery is available either to School or to your home address.
Sustainable Uniform
We hold a stock of good quality sustainable uniform available for all our families to access. If you require anything replacing, please do pop in and see us and we can show you what is available.
Jewellery and other valuables
For the Health and Safety of our children, we are grateful to our parent/carers for supporting us in ensuring that no jewellery is worn to school. If a child has pierced ears, we ask that small studs be worn. For PE sessions, earrings will need to be removed or covered in tape Plain wrist watches may be worn to school with children responsible for their safekeeping. Children in Years 3 and 4 are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. We appreciate that parents/carers of children in Year 5 and 6 who walk home on their own, often like them to have a phone with them. In such cases, phones should be handed in to a member of the class team at the start of the school day.
Lost property
Any property that we have been unable to find the owner of will be placed in our Lost Property boxes. These can be found inside the right hand door facing onto the Hobletts Road playground. Please do let us know if you need our help in locating any lost items. Thank you for helping us return any misplaced items by naming all uniform.
Please do get in touch with us if ever you have any questions regarding school uniform.