
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together

Extra Curriculum Clubs

 'Learning and Achieving Together'


At Hobletts Manor Junior School we look to enhance the opportunities available to our children beyond the school day. There are a wide variety of clubs that children can join that take place after school. Clubs offered change regularly but can include Football, Dodgeball, Cricket/Rounders, Netball, Gymnastics and Drama.  


 If you are an outside provider or parent/carer and would like to help support or run a club do please contact us here at the school.


 Extra Curricular Clubs 


 What clubs are available?

As we look to keep our community safe, and in line with current guidance, our offer of clubs is limited and we can change the clubs on offer each half term- please see your Arbor account for which clubs are open for your child's year group. Clubs are currently being charged at £2.50 a session  (in blocks of 5 or 6).


Clubs September 2024


Monday - Year 3 and 4 Football

Tuesday - Year 5 and 6 Football

Wednesday - Girls Football

Thursday - Year 5 and 6 Netball

Thursday - Art and Crafts - Bookable direct 

Friday - Drama


Enrichment Activities


At Hobletts we also offer other Enrichment classes including Music instrument lessons from both Herts Music Services and Rock Steady. These group lessons take place during school time and parents register and pay directly via the Service Provider.


How do I book?

The way all School Clubs are booked and paid for is via your child’s Arbor account under the Clubs section. It is EXTREMELY important that you download the app or create a log in from their website to access all the schools services and communications. 


I am struggling to set up my account what can I do?

Don't worry! Email, call or drop into the school office and Miss Smith and Mrs Taylor will be happy to help.

LAMDA Drama Lessons at Hobletts Manor Juniors
