
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Welcome to Year 3 and Team Amber 2024/2025!

Your teachers are Mrs Bollen and Miss Thornton

Your teaching assistants are Miss Greatbatch, Miss Richards and Mrs O'Shea

This week in English lessons, we have been learning about poetry. We have compared poems and looked at the different features of the poem 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright. We have also been focusing on using interesting adjectives to describe nouns, developing our skills and creating sentences with expanded noun phrases. To help us with our learning, we took a learning walk into the playground, looking at the leaves, trees, insects and nature in general.  To help us really understand how to describe the objects, we brought some back into class with us, and used all of our senses to find interesting adjectives for description. It was a great lesson and we had fun too. Next week we will build upon our learning and create a class poem, then move onto creating our own free verse poem in the style of 'The Magic Box.'


In maths we have been learning how to use column addition to add 3 digit numbers with re-grouping. It was tricky at first, but we have all done extremely well in our lessons and are very proud of ourselves.

In Science this week we have concluded our investigation and discussed our findings. We have learnt that in order to survive, plants need water, light, nutrients and time in order to grow well.


In RE this week, we discussed how Muslims show what they believe in by the way they live. We worked in small groups and shared our responses. During this lesson we also developed our P4C skills. 


In PSHE this week, we acknowledged the 10th anniversary of showing racism the red card by all wearing red to school. We watched a video which showed us the affects of racism and helped us to understand the importance of not being racist towards each other. 

Through the Ages Optional Home Learning Project

Year 3


During Autumn Term, Year 3's topic focus will be the through the ages. To support your child's learning and understanding of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, we would like to invite you and your child to take part in a homework project. Your child can choose one of the following categories which they could do for their project:


  • Research an aspect of pre-historic Britain: the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age and use what you find out to create a fact file.
  • Cave homes – During the Stone Age, people lived in caves. If you had to live in a cave, what would you like it to look like and what would be in it? Be as creative and imaginative as you like! Maybe you could build your own 3D cave to bring in!
  • Make up your own story, it can be about anything you like and you can tell it through cave art pictures.
  • Stone Age recipes – Stone Age people could not pop to the shops for food. Everything they ate had to be caught or collected. Write your own recipe for a Stone Age dinner using the sort of ingredients that would be available to them.
  • You could even design your own Stone, Bronze or Iron Age house.
  • Prehistoric Tools – Find out and write about tools that were used in each of the Ages (Stone, Bronze and Iron). You can also draw pictures to go with your writing.
  • Stone Age Jewellery – Stone Age people made bead necklaces, pendants and brooches. Make your own piece of jewellery which you can bring in.
  • Stonehenge Model – Find out about Stonehenge. Make a model or draw a landscape picture of Stonehenge and write some information to go with it.


These activities can be carried out in a way that suits your child best. For example; you could make a fact book, a plan, a model or a drawing.


Completed projects can be brought into school as soon as they are completed but by the latest Wednesday 11th December.


Web links that you may find helpful

Weekly Home Learning

Times Table Rock Stars and Spellings each day

Reading (5 times per week or 7 times for the challenge)




















Top Ten Rockers:Challenge - 7 times5 times
  1. George
  2. Erin
  3. William
  4. Harry
  5. Patrick
  6. Eoghan
  7. Samuel
  8. Jessica
  9. Ranveer
  10. Isabella


























Week 7 photos

Week 5 photos

Week 4 Photos

Welcome to Team Amber 2024-25 - Transition Leaflet

Year 3 - Termly Overviews

Key Words Spelling Lists
