
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Cobalt 2024-25

Welcome to Year 4 and Team Cobalt

Your teachers are Mrs Holman & Mrs Bonner

Your teaching assistants are Mrs Pullen & Mrs Hajzeri

In English, we have been reading a poem called, 'A Small Dragon' by Brian Patten. We looked at the descriptive language used by the poet, and the impact it had on us as the reader, including how we felt about the dragon. We then planned and wrote our own poems, thinking carefully about how we want our audience to feel when they read them. Next week, we are looking forward to presenting them and taking them home to share with family and friends.


In Maths this week, we have been using our knowledge of column addition and subtraction which we looked at a few weeks ago, and applying it to a range of worded problems involving measures and real life contexts. Using the bar model to create a visual representation of the problem has really helped us to develop the skill of knowing which operation to apply to which word problem. Next week, we will be using multiplication to solve some more word problems and we will also revisit factors and find the factors for a range of numbers. 


As scientists, we have been thinking about the characteristics of various organisms. We have explored the difference between what makes something a characteristic and what doesn't. We then investigated the characteristics of organisms in a range of habitats. 


In computing this week, we finished our coding lessons by creating and manipulating our very own computer game. We used all of the skills we've learnt so far and challenged ourselves even further today by testing our games out on one another. 


In French this week, we started our new topic on 'clothes.' We will now be recognising and using vocabulary related to clothing. We are also beginning to make a French vocabulary booklet which will help us to record, recite and continue to learn key vocab in French. 


This week, we also celebrated 'Show Racism The Red Card,' by coming into school wearing red, sending a positive message to everyone that we are all equal whatever our skin colour.  


PE days for Team Cobalt will be Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Our library day is Friday - please bring books into school every week.


 Kleo and Ella Grace

Sajad and AdamConnie and Isla Niamh Millie and Olivia   




Read 7 times 


 Top Ten Rockers 


7 times
























































  1. Olivia
  2. Freya
  3. Mason
  4. Isabella
  5. Lucy
  6. Osman
  7. Ziggy
  8. Jaxx
  9. Ilinca
  10. Elissa














































This week friendly leaf in Team Cobalt goes to...... 'Elissa' for showing kindness and support when helping a team mate with their beautiful artwork. 



Friday 18th October - Show Racism The Red Card Day 2024

Week Beg: 7.10.24 - World Mental Health Day

26.9.24 - International Languages Day - Romania

Week Beg 22.9.24 - Science

Week Beg 16.9.24 - Show and Tell and DOT DAY!

WB 9.9.24 - Looking at the atlases in R.E

WB 2.9.24 - Our learning in PSHE this week.

Welcome to Team Cobalt 2024-25 - Transition Leaflet

Key Words Spellings Lists
