
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Cobalt 2024-25

Welcome to Year 4 and Team Cobalt

Your teachers are Mrs Holman & Mrs Bonner

Your teaching assistants are Mrs Pullen & Mrs Hajzeri

Mrs Holman has worked at Hobletts Manor for 12 years. Her favourite subjects to teach are English, History and Art. In her spare time, Mrs Holman loves spending time outside with her children, trying out new recipes and relaxing with a good book!


Mrs Bonner has had the pleasure of getting to know many children at Hobletts over the last year. Her favourite subject is Art! In her spare time, she enjoys walking her dog, Betsy, swimming and reading.


Mrs Pullen loves to read, enjoys travelling and walking her dog, Peppa.


Mrs Hajzeri is a ginger who loves stupid dad jokes, chocolate and coffee.


In Year 4:

We have lots of exciting new topics to look forward to. In the autumn term, these will include learning about animals and their habitats in science, looking at our local area in geography and history, finding out about Hinduism in RE and learning about the artist, Henri Rousseau and recreating his work.


Welcome to Team Cobalt 2024-25 - Transition Leaflet






Read 7 times 


Top Ten Rockers


5 times


7 times





















Key Words Spellings Lists
