
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Saffron 2024-25

Welcome to Year 5 and Team Saffron

Your teacher is Mrs Florido

Your teaching assistant is Mrs Archer & Mr Dakin



Mrs Florido loves getting messy so Art, DT (especially cookery) and Science experiments are some of her favourite things!  She also has 5 chickens, 2 cats and 3 very tall sons!


Mrs Archer’s favourite subjects in school are History and Art. She was once on News at 10!


Mr Dakin once played football in a premier league stadium. My favourite band is Scouting for Girls.


In Year 5:

We have lots of exciting topics to look forward to.

In the autumn, our first topic will be Anglo Saxons. In Science, we will be learning about Changes of State.


Have a fantastic summer and we will see you in September!



Welcome to Team Saffron 2024-25 - Transition Leaflet










Top Ten Rockers       Challenge x 7          Rocking x 5





Year 3/4 and 5/6 Key Word Spellings
