
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Team Turquoise 2024/25.

 Your class teachers are Mrs Vipond and Mrs Short. 

Your teaching assistants are Mrs Buck and Mrs Brewster


Hello Class of 2024!


It has been lovely getting to know everyone this week and seeing everyone back in school. We have been very busy and enthusiastically engaging in our new learning!


In Maths, we have revisited place value, working with numbers up to ten million and down to thousandths. In English, we started work on our new book, Hermelin and predicted what was going to happen in the book from looking at the front cover, back cover and first few pages! We also began reading  the Silver Sword after predicting what we thought the story would be about.


 In PSHE, we thought abut what makes us unique and set ourselves targets for the year ahead whilst in History, we found out what key events have happened in London's history and made them into a giant time line! In art we looked at the work of different architects, focusing on London landmarks. Through careful research we were able to comment upon and compare a number of the most famous buildings and their architects


Next week in Maths, we will be learning and practicing written strategies for the four operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In English, we will be continuing with our book, Hermelin. We are also looking forward to learning in subjects across the curriculum.


Quick Reminders.

Our PE Days are Mondays and Thursdays in the Autumn Term.

Thank you for letting us know via your child's Reading Log or Marvellous Me about their reading at home by 9am each Friday.


****Weekly Certificates**** 






****Friendly Leaves****

Friendly Leaf - 


****Rocking and Reading****



Home Learning Activity Autumn Term 2024

wc 1st September - ordering key events in History

Welcome to Team Turquoise 2024 25 Transition Leaflet

Key Words Spellings Lists
