
Hobletts Manor Junior School

Hobletts Manor Junior School

Learning and Achieving Together


Team Turquoise 2024/25.

 Your class teachers are Mrs Vipond and Mrs Short. 

Your teaching assistants are Mrs Buck and Mrs Brewster


You might not know about Mrs Vipond, Mrs Short, Mrs Buck and Mrs Brewster Mrs Vipond’s favourite book is The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie. She loves going to the cinema and walking her dog Coco. Mrs Short’s favourite subject is mathematics. She loves spending time with her family, including her dog Buddy and walking on the beach which she does a lot when she returns to where she grew up. She is a lifelong Middlesbrough supporter. Mrs Buck’s favourite subject is maths. In her spare time, she enjoys knitting and cross stitching. Mrs Brewster enjoys spending time with her family and taking her two children to the seaside. She is a big fan of Abba and her favourite film is Mamma Mia. Her favourite colours are pink and purple. In Year 6: We have lots of exciting new topics to look forward to. In the Autumn these will include World War 2!

Have a lovely holiday and see you in September!


****Weekly Certificates**** 






****Friendly Leaves****

Friendly Leaf - 


****Rocking and Reading****



Welcome to Team Turquoise 2024 25 Transition Leaflet

Key Words Spellings Lists
